West Coast Zebra & Society Finch Show
Sacramento, CA – "The Friendliest Show in the West"
General Rules
- Entry fee will be $3.00 per cage. Maximum charge per entrant is $24.00.
- Birds must be entered by 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
- Judging will start at 9:30 a.m. Saturday
- No NFSS points or awards will be earned at this show.
- All birds must be left in the proper Division until the show is over.
- The management reserves the right to make changes deemed best to add, combine or cancel existing classes.
- We encourage questions during the judging as long as individual birds are not identified by their owners.
- A sales table will be available during the show. There is no charge for exhibitors and judges. $30.00 for nonexhibitors Space availability may be limited. Please contact the show manager prior to the show.
- No Bird Sales when speakers are talking.
- The management will not be responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits.
Awards for Each Division
1st Place . . . Rosette and Custom Mug Award
2nd - 10th place . . . . . . . . . . . .Rosette
Best Unflighted . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosette
Best Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rosette
1st - 3rd in each Class . . . . . . Sticker
Best Novice . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ribbon
Judges Special Award . . . . . . Rosette
There will be a total of 5 Divisions. Each awarded separately. The divisions are not then judged against each other forming a best of show. Rather, we hope to encourage the development of both Standard and Rare varieties of each species (Zebra and Society, one division of Gouldians) and feel this is the best way to achieve that.
We kindly thank the following for sponsoring our show Divisions:
Standard Zebras - Sponsor this Division in 2023
Rare Zebras - Sponsor this Division in 2023
Standard Societies - Sponsor this Division in 2023
Rare Societies - Sponsor this Division in 2023
If you would like to sponsor one of our show divisions, please contact Richard Renshaw
-Click for a full listing of the show Divisions/Classifications
"What I Look for in a Winner"
by 2011 judge, Bob Peers
When I judge Zebra finches the first thing I look for is conformation. I like to see a bird with a large round head and a back line that is straight from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. The bottom line should be smooth and well rounded from the chin to the vent. The wings should lie flat and tips meet at the base of the tail. The Zebra should be cobby, have substance, and be well proportioned. At the same time it should not sit low on the perch, you should be able to see some light beneath the belly. The stance should be steady.Colors and markings also need considerable consideration and incorrect markings or improper coloration for the different mutations (ie. breast bar on a hen, or faded cheek patches on a CFW cock) are show faults. The Zebra should be well conditioned, no missing toes, nails or feathers and the overall appearance should be smooth with a slight sheen.
Conformation is also the primary consideration when I judge Societies. The body of the Society should have substance but not appear cobby. The head should have a slightly rounded crown, the forehead should flow from the upper mandible with no substantial rise. The back line is smooth and slightly rounded from the neck to the tail. The bottom line flows outward from the chin through the abdomen with the deepest point at the chest. The shoulders and sides should be slightly rounded. The wings should be carried evenly, lie flat and tips meet at the base of the tail. The tail should follow the line of the back and gradually taper to form a "V" with the longer central feathers.The Society should be well conditioned with clean tight feathers. No missing toes, nails or feathers. Generally speaking the American and Euro Societies should be differentiated by the scaling on the Euro and No scaling on the American. Deviations from the different mutation standards are a fault.
New to Showing? Let us help you with your first show.
It can be a little intimidating to enter that first show. Maybe you have observed one or two shows and think you need to have a perfect bird first before you will even consider entering a show or that it looks difficult with all those tags and show cages being shuffled around in back of the bench. Well, there is no easier show to enter than the West Coast Zebra and Society Finch Show. Let our helpful volunteers guide you through the process of entering your birds. We have a relaxed, family atmosphere and want others to join us and enjoy this hobby. There's no pressure here, with four divisions being equally awarded, there's plenty of opportunities for your birds to be presented and possibly awarded.
Need a Show Cage? Rent one at the show.
We will have a limited number of show cages available for rent. So if you're new to the hobby and just want to give it a try, here's a way to show your birds for a day without the expense of purchasing a cage. The rental charge will be $2 per cage for the day. You will need to bring your birds in some appropriate travel cage and then transfer them back to it after the show is over. To check on availability and reserve a rental cage, contact Richard Renshaw.
Further Information about showing: The Novice's Guide to Showing Finches
Care for you birds at the show
Unlike many bird shows that are conducted in the Fall, the West Coast Zebra and Society Finch Show is held in the Summer. This can mean some special considerations for your birds in transit and at the show to make sure they handle the weather and stress of transport well. The weather in Sacramento during that time of year averages in the low 90Fs, but days reaching 100F are not that uncommon. While it may be hot, the birds generally do well with heat. Avoid the temptation to put the birds directly in the path of the air conditioner. Good airflow is important though. Water should be available at all times and seed in the bottom of the cages. Sometimes it is advisable to bring water from home. A spray bottle to give the birds a light misting not only encourages them to preen, but also keeps them cool. Keeping the birds calm not only avoids damage to the feathers you have worked to get into condition, it also helps avoid stress for the birds. So this can mean transporting the birds in a slightly darkened carrier and keeping the cages turned away from people.
If you plan on purchasing birds at the show to take home, be sure to think ahead and bring an appropriate travel cage with water devices, good air flow and seed for the trip home. You may not find travel cages for sale at the show like you might at local bird marts.
Etiquette of Bringing Pets into the Hotel
Some things to consider in keeping birds in motel rooms include:
- Keep your belongings in one area. Do not leave them spread out all over the room.
- Maids make beds, daily. Clear beds of belongings so maids can work more freely and quickly. Stack show cages away from the bed in order to give the maid room to work around the bed. Turn the show cages towards the wall in order to help keep birds calm during bed-making activity. Doing so may help the maid feel more comfortable, too.
- Bring a large plastic or cloth sheet to cover the birds. Wrap the sheet under and over the cages. This helps contain seed and can reduce draft from the room's air conditioner.
- Do not poor seed in any sink. This clogs drains
- Do not use hotel towels or wash clothes to clean cages. Bring your own.
- Tip the maid daily! Leave the tip on the pillow.
Please join the West Coast Zebra and Society Show Committee in making other people's experiences with the presence of our messy birds a positive one so that we will be invited back next year.