West Coast Zebra & Society Finch Show
Sacramento, CA – "The Friendliest Show in the West"
Help Keep the Show Going – Every Donation Helps!
We operate on a "shoestring" budget and are accepting donations, Division sponsorships, raffle donations, or any other form of support that you can offer. If you plan on attending our show or if you support avicultural endeavors such as ours, please consider a donation to help keep us going.
Whether large or small, all donations will be greatly appreciated. For your convenience we accept PayPal or you can mail a check to our Show Treasurer, Richard Renshaw.
Please mail checks made out to our treasurer "Richard Renshaw":
c/o Richard Renshaw
247 Grandridge Court
Ventura CA 93003
Need more information about the show?
Drew Griffith
Raffle and Auction Items
Our Raffle and Auction are great opportunities to support our show and hobby, but get your products in front of bird keepers. We often discuss and recommend many of the products that we Raffle and Auction off.
Need more information about the show site or accommodations?
Holiday Inn Express Cal Expo
2224 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 923-1100
If you're booking a room, please mention you're with the "Bird Show"
Website issues?