West Coast Zebra & Society Finch Show
Sacramento, CA – "The Friendliest Show in the West"
A Finch Specialty Show
The West Coast Zebra and Society Finch Show is a judged specialty exhibition that concentrates on these two species of finches. While the show is central to this event, it is also about sharing information, buying and selling birds, and generally a nice social gathering of people with a common interest.
August 12, 2023 Sacramento, CA
Show Location & Hotel
Holiday Inn Express Cal Expo
2224 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95821
We will finalize banquet details on show day. It's most often in historic old town Sacramento.
Sales Area
The West Coast Zebra and Society Finch show is also an excellent opportunity to purchase some prize winning stock from some of the country's top breeders. Always a popular area at the show, there are previous examples of attendees purchasing stock at this show and going on to win at other shows with birds they have bred from that stock. The sales area will be open each day of the show, but will shut down during presentations or other events requiring the attention of the crowd. Come find that finch that you've been looking for!
Sales area space is limited. Exhibitors with birds entered in the show may also have birds for sale with no additional charge (minimum 5 entries). Non-exhibitors may also inquire about availability. Charge for 1/2 table space is $30. (No loud hookbill species please). Any birds showing signs of illness will be asked to be removed from the sales/exhibit area.
Contact the show treasurer about details and availability. Drew Griffith